8~10세 학령기 자녀로부터 성에 관한 어떤 질문을 받았을 때 답변을 잘 해 줄 수 없으면?, When parents recieve an 8~10 year old child’s questions on sex, if parents can not answer well?
- 여아들에게 사춘기가 오면 그들의 젖가슴(유방)은 커지기 시작한다.
- 그 후 약 2~3년 동안에 성인 여성들의 젖가슴의 크기와 거의 같게 커지는 것이 보통이다.
- 어떤 사춘기 여아들의 젖가슴은 정상적으로 좀 더 작을 수 있고 어떤 사춘기 여아들의 젖가슴은 유난히 더 클 수 있다.
- 젖가슴이 유난히 크던 작던 그 젖가슴(유방)의 크기는 모두가 정상적이다.
- 아기를 낳은 산모들의 젖가슴이 크건 작던 유방에서 분비되는 모유의 양은 젖 먹고 자라는 아기에게 충분한 양이 되는 것이 보통이다.
What if I can’t answer a question about sex from my 8-10-year-old school-age child?
When parents receive an 8-10-year-old child’s questions on sex if parents can not answer well? When girls reach puberty, their breasts begin to grow.
After that, it is normal for the breasts to grow to about the same size as adult women’s breasts for about 2-3 years.
The breasts of some adolescent girls may normally be a little smaller, and the breasts of some adolescent girls may be exceptionally large.
Whether the breasts are exceptionally large or small, the size of those breasts (breasts) is normal.
The amount of milk secreted from the breasts of mothers who have given birth to large or small breasts is usually sufficient for the growing baby.
출처 및 참조 문헌 Sources and references
- NelsonTextbook of Pediatrics 22ND Ed
- The Harriet Lane Handbook 22ND Ed
- Growth and development of the children
- Red Book 32nd Ed 2021-2024
- Neonatal Resuscitation, American Academy of Pediatrics
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, The Harriet Lane Handbook, 22nd edition
Red book 31st edition 2021
Nelson Text Book of Pediatrics 21st Edition
Emergency Pediatrics A Guide to Ambulatory Care, Roger M. Barkin, Peter Rosen
Ambulatory Pediatrics, Green and Haggerty, Saunders
School Health: A Guide For Health Professionals, American Academy of Pediatrics
How to really love your child Ross Campbell
Good Behavior Stephen W. Garber, Ph.D. and other
Adolescent Medicine and The Media Adolescents Medicine
AM: Stars Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, Asthma, and Diabetes in A
The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Adolescent Gynecology, Part II THe Sexually Active Adolescent, August 1999
Fueling the Teen Machine, Ellen Shanley and Colleen Thompson
Why Teenagers Act the Way They Do, Eight Adolescent Personality Types: Understanding and Dealing With Them, Dr. G. Keith Olson
The Pregnancy bible Joan Stone, Keith Eddleman
Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, The Pediatric Clinics of North America in August 1987
Adolescent Gynecology, Ross Round table
Female Reproductive Health, Adolescent Medicine Patricia S. Simmons, M.D., Marc. Laufer, M.D.
The Adolescent Male: Adolescent Medicine, David S. Rosen, M.P.H., Michael Rich, M.D.
Lesbian and Gay Youth: Care And Counseling, Adolescent Medicine, Caitlin Ryan, M.S.W, A.C.S.W., Donna Futterman, M.D.
Medical and Gynecologic Endocrinology: Joseph S. Sanfilippo, M.D., Jordan W. Finkelstein, M.D., Dennis M. Styne. M.D., Adolescent Medicine Clinics, Oct. 2005 Vol. 16
Robert T. Brown, M.D., Paula K. Braverman, M.D.
진정한 자녀 사랑 나비게이터
10대 아들 딸 이렇게 사랑해 키워라 이상원 역
소아과학 대한교과서
의학 용어사전 대한 의사 협회
제24권 사춘기 성교육 출처 참조 문헌
- Gray Anatomy
- 제 25권 임신, 분만, 출산, 신생아 돌보기 이상원저
그 외
Copyright ⓒ 2014 John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP
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“The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
“Parental education is the best medicine.“